Proyecto de investigación


Molecular determinants involved in musculoskeletal impairment after botulinum toxin type A intervention in the masticatory system


Objectives: 1. To evaluate the status of the eATP signaling pathway in BoNTA- or saline-injected masseter muscles. 2. To determine if BoNTA-evoked masseter paralysis alters IL6 expression, release and signaling pathway, dependent on eATP. 3. To determine if the masseter muscle atrophy and mandibular condyle bone loss evoked by BoNTA is dependent on ATP-induced IL6 release from muscle. Principal investigator. Sonja Buvinic (Universidad de Chile) Co-investigators: Kornelius Kupczik, Vivana Toro-Ibacache, Paula Llanos

Co Investigador:

Kornelius Kupczik

Fecha de Inicio:


Fecha de Finalización:


Nombre de la agencia de financiamiento:

Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo

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